Cultural Learning & Understanding Buddhism
Jan. 08, 2011
Cultural Learning & Understanding Buddhism
Jan. 08, 2011
6:30 – 6:45 Register & Preparation 報到/幫忙準備 .............. Shou-Hung Ling
Stephen Ling
6:45 – 7:00 Preliminary Pray 佛門禮儀/靜坐 ......................... Angel Mitchelle
6:45 – 7:00 Preliminary Pray 佛門禮儀/靜坐 ......................... Angel Mitchelle
Youth C.L.U.B. Pledge
The Heart Sutra 心經
7:00 – 7:50 Dharma Teaching ............................................... Baima Wangjie
佛教歷史人物介紹 (四) --- 宗喀巴大師
Story of Tsong-kha-pa
7:50 – 8:00 “Eight Forms of Moving Meditation” .................... Jack Chang
7:50 – 8:00 “Eight Forms of Moving Meditation” .................... Jack Chang
8:00 – 8:45 "The Secret" 宇宙的秘密 - Visualization .............Karen Forng
Why is visualization one of the keys to The Law of Attraction?
And, how to practice it? 強效的方法二: 觀想
Q&A and Announcement ................................... Karen Forng
8:45 – 8:50 Light Offering & Pray
迴向 Transfer of Merit
8:45 – 8:50 Light Offering & Pray
迴向 Transfer of Merit
8:50 – 9:10 D.I.Y. "Valentine Pockets" for elder.....................Jessica Wung
(2/13/2011 Sunday, Nursing Home Visiting) Michelle She
9:10 – 9:30 Optional Stay for Helping Clean Up .................... Volunteers
迴向功德 Transfer of Merit:
We dedicate the merit of our activities to all sentient beings.
May the world stay in peace forever without famine or disasters.
We dedicate the merit of our activities to all sentient beings.
May the world stay in peace forever without famine or disasters.